I See You W3

I See You. I Feel You.


I woke up this morning with this thought running through my brain … I see you W3“. 
Also … filling my heart are the words … I see you W3“. 

I want you to know … I am feeling you. I am taking big, deep breaths and picturing you … closing my eyes – hand on heart – feeling where you are and sending my best love back to you.

Do you feel it? It could be that whisper in the wind – that breeze on your cheek – a bell in the distance – a flicker of light.

I just want you to know on this beautiful Friday that I am thinking of you w3.  amI feeling you. And hoping you are feeling the love I’m sending your way.

That’s all. xo

You are SO loved.

Christa xo

PS. You know that amazing feeling when things seem to be falling into place? That is happening as I write this … and I have NO DOUBT that the energy of writing this message to YOU nudged the Universe (that whole Law of Attracting thing) 😉

So thank you … because without you – there truly just is no me on this particular wild and wise journey. xoxo I’m grateful.

PPS. In just over 24 hours we have had over 500 registrants for our wild and wise discussion on Monday night. If you haven’t signed up to join us yet, I sure hope you will – because it’s going to be a great conversation that you can be a part of. Link here if it speaks to you:  and here.  (ok, that’s just me having a bit of fun) 🙂