Too Many Said No

Good morning beautiful W3,

Almost a week ago I posted this image on Facebook.

And along with the ‘yes’s’ there were WAY too many “No’s” for my liking.

Some of us got tripped up about the “incredibly gorgeous” part … some of us thought I must want “something” to say these words … some of us laughed off descriptions that included unkind words about ourselves … and some of us just said …No.

But what if I am right?  What if for just a moment we shed off our negative self-talk, our fear of being judged for a powerful and positive self-image, and our safe cocoon of deciding we are NOT any of these things, or enough of these things?

What if?

Who would you BE if you believed all of those words and MORE about your Self?

How would you BE different?  What would you do differently? How would you love and be loved? How would you serve and give and receive and choose?

Well I have a challenge for you W3. For ONE DAY I want you to BELIEVE.  I want you to believe in you.

And for those W3 who already know this about yourselves … I want you to reach out to help another Wild and Wise Woman in your world know this about themselves

How you might ask? Tell her. Tell her you believe these things about her and more. Tell her that you will believe enough for the both of you but that you want her to come on over and believe too.

Because believing in OUR power, gives other women power. Believing in OUR brilliance and beauty (inside, outside, all over, light-filled beauty) gives other women the permission, encouragement, and COURAGE to do the same.

Do you accept my challenge W3? I hope so. And I hope you’ll share the experience with us in the discussion group. This is important! Don’t dismiss it as insignificant or frivolous.

You ARE amazing, awesome, brilliant, and incredibly gorgeous.  Do you believe me?

Let’s get more of those “No’s” turned into “YES!”

You Are Loved,

PS. If you have tried to access our site today, or any of our resources, our server is currently doing some unscheduled maintenance.  We will be back to bear with us! And on behalf of our server we apologize for the inconvenience!

PPS. Did you receive the 167 BEST Wild and Wise Women Movie List?  Click the link to download it. It’s a gift from us compiled from all of YOUR suggestions.

Photo by Etienne Boulanger on Unsplash