I am sensitive

Hi, My Name is Christa and I Am Sensitive..

It’s a thoughtful Tuesday morning for me W3, as I sit with a steaming mug of tea (before sunrise it’s tea .. after sunrise it’s coffee) reflecting on where I’ve been and where I still wish to go.

Today, I can easily say to you ~ my trusted tribe ~ that I am sensitive. It’s true.

But it is not so long ago, had you attempted to attribute that word ‘sensitive’ to me as an individual, I would have laughed, demanded evidence to support your theory, and adamantly denied such a possibility.

You see, I associated the word ‘sensitive’ with weak.  Actually, looking back … I associated alot of words with ‘weak’, and THAT was a state to be avoided at all costs.

I can only shake my head and chuckle softly at the stubbornness I displayed back then – persevering through so much discomfort – nearly ridiculous in my naivete.

Waging a constant battle through physical and emotional pain that manifested into migraines, back spasms, stomach aches, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and nightmares … just to name a few. 😉

The saddest part about all of that for me is not that I experienced it … but that WHILE I experienced it I couldn’t see it for what it was, and instead nearly glorified it.

I wore it as my badge of honor of just how much I could withstand, how tough and strong I was (ie. not weak), how nothing could keep me down and I didn’t need any help thank you very much!

I felt strong, even though I was weakened (yes, I can use that word much more easily and accurately now). And part of why I felt strong is that I wouldn’t allow myself to depend on anyone but myself.

That way … if I went down … I wasn’t taking anyone with me.  And you would never know that I had stumbled, or fallen, or failed, or disappointed, or … needed.

Sound familiar?

I made sure … by thought, word and deed … that you wouldn’t know ME at all.  At that time dear W3 … I didn’t know me at all.

Maybe this too … sounds a little familiar?

But all that has changed. I took the time to reconnect to my ‘real’ Self. I have become intimate (another word that used to have me cringing into the corner) with my needs, my wants, my beliefs, my values, my Self and … my sensitivities – and I take care of myself when they show up.

However, I don’t want you to have to walk the same path I did.  I was alone. I did alot of seeking and built the community (that community being Wild and Wise Women of course) because it was a space I needed.

It’s why I am now creating Wild and Wise YOU … so that you will have the space that you need – and you won’t be alone.

I am gathering amazing women – experts and women like you and me – ‘putting the heartbeats in the room’ so to speak so that everyone is gathered together – to breathe, learn and grow … together.

We are on an incredible journey together W3 – can you feel it? It’s ok to be sensitive. It’s GREAT to be sensitive. What was a description I would run from is now a descriptor I wear proudly. But I had to unwrap a lot of layers to get there.

I’m here – to help you unwrap your layers … every single step of the way. xo

You Are Loved

Christa xo

PS. I have two more 30 minute sessions available. I am only offering 10 at the moment. It is $99 for 30 minutes focused solely and completely on YOU – and how to infuse more happiness, more passion, more purpose into your life. How to figure out what makes you happy … and what passion might even feel like … because so many of us just don’t know right now.

If you’re interested in one of these two final sessions, please just reply to this message letting us know and we’ll get it set up. (no, there’s no sales page or anything … this was just an offering I wanted to make in response to all the messages I was receiving from you) 🙂

PPS. We have completed filming of another training class for the subscription site Wild and Wise YOU, and one of my upcoming guests is a Family Counselor / Parenting Coach. Look for the post about this in the FB group, and send any questions you would like answered about parenting and raising kids in today’s world (the hardest job in the world) to [email protected].

​​​​​​​Now, I’m going to watch the sun rise. 🙂

photo by Shashank Sahay via unsplash