when you weren't searching

Remember When You Weren’t Searching.. For Anything?

Good Morning Beautiful W3!

It’s another glorious Sunday, and I have been so amazed and inspired by all of you this week!

Seeing wild and wise check in on Facebook from around the world is always so fun! Scotland, the Orient, USA, Canada, Germany, Puerto Rico, Sweden, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand … how incredibly awesome is that!

Also I have been hearing from you – which I love more than anything. In emails, FB messages, comments; and we are still talking about passion.  And the message I am receiving from you most often is ..

I have no idea what brings me joy, or what I’m passionate about.  And I don’t know how to figure it out. Help please!

And my response is … of course I’ll help! First it brought to mind a writing I did a few years ago – (5 to be exact) – it was a letter to myself … reminding myself of a different time when passion and purpose weren’t so elusive.

I’ve shared some of it below, and then keep reading for an opportunity I created based on all your messages and comments.  If it’s something you feel would help you, reply to this email and we’ll make it happen!

Here’s that writing:


Dear Christa – Remember when?

Remember when you weren’t searching … for anything?

Days were filled with simple joys – one after the other – whether skipping rope, laying in the sun, being tickled by the grass, laying pretend, getting lost in a book, touching the rough bark of a tree, or riding your bike and feeling luscious freedom as you coasted down hills, the wind in your face, your hair flying.

Remember Christa – when coasting was a simple joy and not a curse on your character?

Remember when simple joys were mandatory – and if an activity didn’t bring you joy you would stop immediately and find one that did?

Where did THAT girl go? I vow to find her again. 

Remember when purpose was not something you felt the need to search for? 

It wasn’t mysterious or just out of reach, it was what you did every day. 

You sought out your passions effortlessly, and knew deep within you when you had hit on something that fit you perfectly.

And you were so willing to try them all on for size – never feeling that time was short, or that you had more important things to do. 

You knew even then the things that somehow called to you. Knew when something fell right into your sweet spot – and only when it became something you were “supposed” to do did fear and uncertainty set in.

And still you would jump into all kinds of activities and experiences – enjoying what they brought and releasing the ones that you didn’t LOVE – and you would release them easily … without guilt or emotion.

Oh ~ I VOW to find THAT girl again.


And here’s how it ended – which I share because I feel like it speaks so clearly still of the process we can take together – sharing the process that brought me here – where I am crystal clear on my passions and my purpose – and how freeing and joyous that is!


And so it is this child – this seeker of simple joys that still lives inside that will guide me back to where I belong.

To savor the unique call of the owl by my home, to touch the trees that have grown to majestic heights in my yard, to wander into the chill of the lake – to stop thinking so much – and start feeling even more.

These are the first simple steps I vow to take – to find you again – to come back to purpose – to find my way home.

So let’s take it slowly dear one. This is not a task to be “completed”.

This is a quest – a rite of passage – and a call to remember.

So let’s start there.


I apologize that this was quite a long email on this Sunday W3. It was two messages in one really but I do hope that the trip down memory lane maybe spoke to you and made your soul stir a little bit. 

That is what I want to do – just provide anything and everything I can that could make a difference for you. We never know when a word, or an image, or a thought, or belief will be the catalyst – and I will walk with you as we explore everything we can to find yours.

And on this beautiful Sunday always remember …

You Are Loved,

Christa xo

PS. If you would like to do deeper, more personal work on finding your passion, clarifying your joy, identifying your purpose, hearing the whisper of your calling, I have cleared 10 spots over the next two weeks to do private 30 minute sessions.

I promise you, we can get a lot done in 30 minutes – and the cost will only be $99 so that it is available to as many people as possible.  This is only if you are looking to dive a little bit deeper and work specifically on YOU – which is tough to do in a live event setting like Mel and I presented.

If you are interested in one of these 10 spots, which I know by the messages I’ve received could go quickly, please reply to this email that you are interested, and we will send you a link etc. and details to schedule.