I Want You To Have It All!

Good morning beautiful W3,

It is SO important to my self-care and well-being to be able to carve out time to step back from the noise of a busy life and “stroll” for a few days. 

Believe me, I know that it’s not easy to carve out the time. And I know that oftentimes the “guilt monster” is just waiting to pounce when we even consider taking a moment for ourselves. 

I also know that living an extremely busy, filled to every second, “productive” life can make us feel important, needed, acknowledged and validated. (Believe me, I know …. )

There is no question that sometimes we use “busy” to avoid thinking, feeling, acting about something.  Are you avoiding something in YOUR life W3? 

What do you not want to think about?

What do you not want to feel?

What do you not want to “do“?

And the real kicker of a question … WHY?

Have you created a monster of epic proportions around these fears that doesn’t really exist? 

What if I told you we could knock those fears down one by one, so that silence and solitude and slowing down your life so that you actually enjoyed it … wasn’t so darned scary?

What?! Enjoy my life? Christa you ARE nuts! (Yes, I’ve heard it before ….)

The Wild and Wise Way is about slowing down. It is about savoring. It is about being at peace in the quiet moments and truly liking who you see in the mirror each day. 

One of the skills we need to strengthen to live a wild and wise life is setting and holding boundaries – both with those we love, and those we don’t. 

Get your free Wild and Wise Boundaries Guide, (it has been shared over 4,000 times in the past few months!) it’s the perfect place to start. Setting boundaries you can actually feel good about (rather than guilty or selfish), is the wild and wise way W3, and this guide will help you take the first steps. 

I’ll give you a little time to read it over, to fill in some spaces, to write what’s in your heart … then we will continue the conversation on Thursday. Oh, and please feel free to share it! 

You deserve a wild and wise life, and all that comes with it.

Being wild and wise requires the ability to set boundaries W3. Get your free guide and let’s start the conversation.

You Are Loved,

PS. Sometimes, the thoughts, feelings and actions we are hiding from are directly connected to sadness, loss, grief.

If you want to make sure you don’t miss out on our upcoming live group workshop in November on Recovering From Loss and Finding Your Way, join the Sisterhood and 
see the Facebook post to learn about our special guests and how to be a guest yourself!

We are filling the Sisterhood gift boxes as we speak for October’s shipment of the very first box! We made sure we ordered a few extra’s so … if you do subscribe now I may be able to sweet talk Ali (who is in charge of the gift box shipments) on your behalf. 😉 We do that for one another right?

PPS. Seriously though W3 … if you have you experienced loss, loss of a loved one, loss of your Self, loss of a home or a job or a life you loved … Join me and special guests … and together we will take the steps to healing. xo