I’m A Bad Mom

I Am A Bad Mom …

I am still on a plane, heading back home – and SO excited!  I just finished watching Bad Moms … have you seen it?  I became “that person”.  You know the one, earphones in – big smile – chuckling – downright laughing out loud at some parts – I loved it!

So much, that I made the decision to ditch what I was going to send once I landed and opened up my Evernote app and began writing a new message for today – with a big smile on my face.

What made me love this movie so much?  Well, it has some hysterical moments for sure – but I also loved the overall message that we are all bad moms.

And for me, this stretches over into other areas of my life too.  The crazy expectations that have been placed on us (often by our own selves and the sisters of our society), the striving, the perfection, the crazy schedules, the doing more, the judgement (of ourselves and others) … my gosh! It was like a homecoming watching this movie – it was a beautiful reminder … and and also made me yearn for some of the “letting off some steam” moments that were in the movie too.

Yup, I’ll admit it.  I’ve become WAY too serious! lol.  And girls dates – brunch, lunch, movies, parties – I want those too!

I am blessed, because on this plane with me are two of my soul sisters – and we will be spending the next 4 days together at my home doing some of all of these things.

But I’m also making a promise – a commitment – a DECLARATION!!  To put more of the goodness (soul sister time, relaxation, romance with my incredibly sexy husband, family time, more laughter and crazy – the good kind) back into my days and take more of the less than awesome (striving, perfection, over-work, stress, exceeding expectation, obligation) OUT.

I love a movie that makes me laugh AND makes me reflect and re-evaluate.  And you know what W3? I want to create some of these experiences for ALL of us!  Let’s have some FUN!

Do me a favor will you – if you haven’t already – join the Facebook group … it’s a bit more of a close group to connect and communication with.  Oh, and invite your friends!!

And then … do me a second favor.  Go to the group over this entire weekend (well, for our US sisters it is a long weekend with Thanksgiving, so let’s ALL celebrate that – it’s allowed I checked)   Go to the group and upload a photo and say Hi!

Don’t get all gussied up, (unless you want to) just introduce yourself!  Upload a photo – tell us your name, maybe where you live if you like, or anything else you want to.  Because I want to SEE you (so I recognize you when we do have that wild and wise woman party that is circling around in my brain)

Then do me a third favor – share this message with YOUR soul-sisters. Bring them along for the fun – because I want to meet YOUR friends too!

And as I sign off to start to schedule some of that goodness INTO MY SCHEDULE (I know, I fully realize the irony and how that seems against everything I just said .. but this is a muscle that I need to begin rebuilding, and it’s going to take a bit of time … spontaneity, that comes next!)

So as I was saying, as I sign off to schedule some of that goodness back into my life – I want to say to you  … from one bad mom to another – from one wild and wise woman to another – from one awesome, incredible, brilliant, shining, bad-ass rockstar super nova to another ….

You Are Loved and We Got This!

Show me that pic will ya! I want to see your beautiful face!!!

Christa xo