12 Hours Left to Vote!

Hey Beautiful W3,

Here I sit listening to the rain (I do love the sound of the rain) and just wanted to take the opportunity to urge you – if you haven’t already – to please participate in the logo design contest for Wild and Wise YOU.

There is only 12 hours left, as the poll closes at 8 am tomorrow morning, at which time we will go back to the the designers of the two top logos and provide them with YOUR feedback and suggestions (as well as our own) 🙂 to get to a final version.

Here’s all you have to do:

1.   Click The Link within the next 24 hours (NOW is even better!) 😉
2.  Rate the 6 logos – Choosing Your Favorites for the Wild and Wise YOU brand
3.  Leave any feedback or suggestions on designs that you feel would improve them even more.
4. Submit

Thank you Wild and Wise ~

You Are Loved xo

PS.  Think you can design a better logo for our consideration?  Send it to [email protected] by midnight Saturday, March 18 – and if we agree we will include it in our final round of choices! (and yes, if yours is chosen there are rewards …. click the email address and you’ll see!)

The Winner!